Studying at a college is a very special period of life. It’s about living away from home, making new friends, fulfilling learning tasks different from those at high school, and of course, doing a part-time job. And though so many young people are eager to see more of their country and the world, few of them can afford to travel. Really, where can you get money for traveling from, if you study due to the student loan and support yourself doing a part-time job? But blogger John Brix from cheap article writing service claims that some possibilities for traveling having little money do exist.
Tips that Help you to Afford Traveling.
The main problem that prevents college students from traveling as much as they would like to, is lack of money. Where could you get money for traveling from? The first thought that occurs is to start saving. It’s not a bad idea. Even if you can save $10 per month, it will make $120 per year. And this sum is enough for staying at a hostel for 3-4 days or even more sometimes. So, saving is surely okay, but some more possibilities will help you travel even overseas. What are they?
- You can get some cash back from buying groceries and other goods using your credit card. Besides, many cards also offer discounts on booking travels, flights, etc. So, find out what your card can offer and if necessary get another one. Some banks issue special student cards offering some privileges for students.
- Travelling isn’t obligatory about going to world-famous sights. You can visit your college or high school friends living now away from your hometown. This way you will be able to see new places become closer with your friends and of course, save on accommodation. But don’t forget that your friends might expect an invitation from you as well.
- You can also greatly reduce the cost of your journey by traveling with friends and so sharing the expenses on gas, and accommodation. Besides, traveling with friends especially abroad is much safer.
- If you can afford a month or more of traveling, you can do some volunteering. Many options include free accommodation and food. Besides, this way you will get a new experience that will look great on your resume. And of course, if you volunteer abroad, living and working in a country, you will be able to understand and feel it better than while visiting it as a tourist. And you can do sightseeing on weekends. This is also the way to practice the foreign language you are learning. There are also programs like WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms) that provide you with accommodation and often boarding asking you to help at a farm in return. It’s a lot like volunteering and details you can find on their website.
- Have you ever heard about “science tourism”? It’s about going to international scientific conferences, competitions, etc. Taking part in such events you can boost your studying and probably your future career, and also see sights of the places where those conferences are held. Host organizations often provide free accommodation and food. Students can also take part in exchange programs offered by different colleges, universities, and even governments. Exchange programs are usually long-term and their participants are provided with free accommodation and a stipend. But you need to remember that such programs last for a year or even two.
- Of course, you can save a lot of money doing thorough research and planning your journey. Traveling with small airlines and using not major airports, using public transport or renting a bicycle will save you a lot of money. You can save on accommodation as well by staying at hostels instead of hotels, using Airbnb opportunities, or simply staying at your friends’. A great idea will be to plan your travel off-season when everything is often half price. Cooking yourself and having snacks on you will help you to save on eating. Buying a city pass will allow you to visit a lot of tourist destinations half price or even for free. Many museums also offer free exhibitions or days with free access. ISIC (International Student Identity Card) will allow you to get a lot of special student discounts.
Though traveling is usually an expensive activity, even a broke college student can afford to travel overseas. You just need to do thorough planning and follow the above-mentioned tips.