Stacy Talks & Reviews: Hedbanz: The game that makes you wonder..."What am I?"

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Hedbanz: The game that makes you wonder..."What am I?"

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Spin Master Games for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.

We try to play a game as a family at least once a week, of course when things get busy that doesn't always happen. Seems to be in the summer when we are outdoors a lot that we have the most trouble making time. But now that the cold weather has settled in and it gets dark so early we are inside and have more time to spend together playing games. Actually over the last few weeks we've even squeezed in two family games nights each week. Our latest game night included a new game I picked up called Hedbanz. My daughter had heard of it from friends at school and thought it would be fun for us to all play together. And after playing a few rounds I have to agree with her. Basically you start out by fitting one of the plastic head bands around your head, then drawing a card to insert in the front of it. You are the only person that doesn't get to see your card. Everyone else gets to see the card so they can answer simple yes or no questions that you ask during your turn. When I first looked at the timer in the game I thought there was no way anyone could ever guess their card before it ran out. I was wrong however and just so happened to be the first one to guess their card. Tip: Start out asking questions like "am I alive" or "am I found indoors". Things like this help you narrow down what could be on your card much faster than asking things like "am I green" or "am I small". I was able to narrow down my card (a rabbit) pretty quick with "am I alive" and "am I a pet". From there I just went through common pets and got it. I was pretty excited because that meant I got to choose another card and keep playing for the round. My daughter on the other hand  was not so lucky. She just couldn't figure out her card and it really had her worked up. So after we finished up the first round I explained to her ways to make it easier to figure out what her card was.

On our second round it was our son that got stumped with his cheese card. He had it narrowed down to something indoors that he could eat, and even ruled out fruits and vegetables. But then gave up on the food groups and started asking other questions. So we decided to do a hit and told him to go back to food groups. He asked "am I a protein?" and somehow from that decided he was cheese. Interesting way to get to cheese, but hey it worked for him. We played a few more rounds after that and we were all laughing and having a good time. Everyone guessed at least a few of their cards so no one got really upset which was nice. I really liked it because it wasn't really a win or lose sort of game. I'm actually looking a few other games from Spinmaster that I thought might be good for us to play too. One of them is Quelf and the other is Would You Rather. I like them because again they aren't really win/lose games and that seems to be a better fit for us.

Play Hedbanz, the quick question game of “What am I?” Ask “yes” or “no” questions to figure out if the cartoon on your head is an animal, food or man-made object. Be the first player to guess what you are and win!

Buy it: You can purchase Spin Master games at Amazon, Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, and, Toys-R-Us.

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