Stacy Talks & Reviews: Investment Banking Interview - This Is What You Should Do

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Investment Banking Interview - This Is What You Should Do

Getting an investment banking job is always a dream of many students in the business field. However, this doesn't easily come on a silver plate. It's a very competitive position in the market. There are several factors which can attribute to your success or failure in landing such an opportunity.

Therefore, you need to adequately prepare yourself. Having the right mindset and good skills can help you overcome the few challenges experienced during the interview process.


These include but aren't limited to the following:  

1. UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS JOB ENTAILS.  It's very annoying when the interviewer realizes that you don't have any clue about the position you're interviewing for. Hence, this may discourage him or her from the very start. It's always advisable to know the specific duties and general knowledge of the position before going for an interview. This means you should prepare well in advance. By doing so, you stand a very high chance of making it through the whole process. Also, check out for more in-depth info about investment banking interviews and how to ace them.

2. BE FAMILIAR WITH MOST OF THE BANK DETAILS.  This involves doing thorough research about the bank before attending the interview. Some of the details to check out are; common interview questions asked in the past, the panel involved in the process, the performance of the bank compared to its competitors, the vision and mission amongst others. Familiarizing with such information shows that you're greatly interested in working for the bank. It will also help you stand out amongst other candidates. Hence, you shouldn't ignore it at all.

3. BE CONFIDENT ABOUT YOURSELF.  Many candidates have lost great opportunities because of panicking. You need to believe in yourself while facing the panel. Keeping eye contact is very vital. You don't have to know every question asked. However, it's recommended that you don't answer a question you aren't sure about. You can simply request the interviewer to pass and proceed to the next question. This will help you avoid confusing yourself. Most of the questions asked are quite technical. Hence, they require critical thinking before answering.

4. DISCUSS YOUR RESUME.  Give comprehensive details about your resume to the panel. Emphasize more on your strengths and achievements in the past. Moreover, discuss your experience in a similar position in case you have it. You can as well address the panel about your plans in helping the bank to grow. If you're not sure how to begin you can check out a resume writing service online at

5. DRESS IN AN APPROPRIATE MANNER.  Your dress code matters a lot. This is a professional position which requires you to dress officially. Hence, your dressing speaks so much about yourself. It will make the panel give the right judgment on you. You can as well choose to wear the bank's corporate colors. This will indicate that you have a great interest in working for the bank. It can also mean that you will be a loyal employee in case you're hired. This is a very competitive position and simple aspects like dressing can make a big difference.

The above information is key to succeeding in an investment banking interview. Therefore, it should be taken with great concern. It will help you sail through the process successfully. Serious candidates have made it in the past, so can you.
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