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Dr. Dalton's Premium Treats
When it comes to the treats we reward Java with we are very particular. She's like one of our kids so we try to reward her the same with the same types of rules. I don't buy candy that's just pure sugar or snacks that have no added health value to them for my kids. And in turn I don't buy dog treats that don't have any health benefits for Java. If I'm giving her a reward it needs to have a health value to it. Kind of like the treats I recently received from Dr. Dalton's. Dr. Dalton's Premium Treats are a high grade dog treat that only contains a single ingredient - premium quality meat. Dr. Dalton gets rid of the excess water, therefore bypassing the need to add preservatives, binders, fillers, salt, sugars, flavoring and colorings. The simple taste and quality of an all-meat treat is enough to keep dogs hooked and their owners happy. If you check out the above photos I think you'll agree that Java is already hooked. I put one of the treats inside of her treat trap and it keeps her busy for a good amount of time before she finally remembers (or just by random chance) to pick up and knock over the treat trap to get the treat to fall out. Honestly all I have to do is open the bag of Dr. Dalton's Premium Treats and she's immediately right there sitting at full attention waiting for her treat. Heck I don't blame her they do smell pretty darn good!
Dr. Dalton’s Premium Treats offer a health promoting and delicious way for dog owners to treat their dogs high grade food. In addition to being great for dogs, Dr. Dalton’s Premium Treats are created through a unique process that makes them non-greasy, non-crumbly, and easy to snap to whatever size is best for your dog.
All of Dr. Dalton’s Premium Pet treats are sourced, produced, and packaged in the USA. They can be purchased at Amazon and at, and are available both as a single purchase and on a monthly subscription basis. These wonderful treats come in three flavors – Simply Beef, Simply Chicken and Meat Medley (made from beef, chicken, and pork).
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of the above mentioned brand. I may have received monetary compensation and/or product in exchange for my honest and unbiased thoughts. However, all thoughts and opinions stated are my own and are in no way influenced by my partnership with mentioned brands.
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