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Insect Shield helps prevent Lyme Disease - and so can you!
Did you know that Lyme disease is one of the fastest growing epidemics to date? Numbers of US cases reported per year are skyrocketing to an estimated 329,000. Yet, Lyme and other insect borne illnesses are preventable, with one caveat – awareness. Living out in the country and having indoor/outdoor pets has caused me to pay closer attention to things such as Lyme disease. If you're not familiar with Lyme disease let me share some facts with you.
What is Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease is caused by bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi and is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks. Typical symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans.
How do you get Lyme Disease?
To contract Lyme disease, an infected deer tick must bite you. The bacteria enter your skin through the bite and eventually make their way into your bloodstream. In most cases, to transmit Lyme disease, a deer tick must be attached for 36 to 48 hours.
Why is it worse this year?
The reason experts are predicting a jump in human Lyme disease cases now is because of a bumper crop of acorns falling from oak trees nearly two years ago. More acorns leads to more mice, leads to more infected ticks, leads to more Lyme disease in us,
Can Our Pets contract Lyme?
According to Companion Animal Parasite Council™, Lyme disease is also the most prevalent vector-borne disease in dogs—with 1 in 16 dogs testing positive for Lyme, early reports indicate that this trend is expected to continue into 2017 and beyond.
So now that you have the facts what can you do to help prevent the spread of Lyme disease?
1) YOUR YARD: Ticks are not out in the middle of your lawn, they live where yards border wooded areas, or anywhere it is shaded and there are leaves with high humidity. Place a layer of wood chips between your grass yard and the woods edge. Ticks are attracted to the wood chips because of the shade and moisture it provides.
2.) TICK CHECKS: Do periodic tick checks (on yourself, children and pets) and carefully remove any found. (Wear light colored clothing so ticks are easier to find.)
3.) IDENTIFY/AVOID TICK HABITATS - OUTDOOR PURSUITS: Shady, wooded and weedy edges are favorite spots for ticks to hang out. Avoiding tick habitats can be difficult but there are plenty of ways - such as always walking in the middle of maintained trails - to limit tick encounters.
When on a hike, bike, or walk try to remain in the center of a trail in order to minimize your exposure. Remember - ticks cannot fly, they crawl up. Avoid sitting directly on the ground, woodpiles or fallen logs - areas where ticks love to live.
4.) PERSONAL PROTECTION: Wear tick repellent clothingg that is EPA registered to repel ticks (as well as a variety of other pesky and potentially dangerous insects.) The repellent is odorless, invisible and long-lasting. Insect Shield apparel is available for adults, kids and even your pets!
5.) REMOVE TICKS SAFELY: To safely remove attached ticks, first disinfect the area with an alcohol swab. Next, using pointy tweezers, grab the tick "head" as close to the skin as possible and simply pull straight out. Remember to disinfect the bite site again after pulling the tick out.
Pet products from the Insect Shield line are a great way to help start protecting your pets at home and on the go. I know for a fact the pet cot is a hit with our cats, they love to just stretch out and take naps on it all day long. And that helps give this cat mamma some peace of mind because it keeps them protected even while they are sleeping.
Insect Shield® Repellent Gear has been proven and registered to repel mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and flies. The EPA requires extensive effectiveness data to prove a product's ability to repel insects. Many species and varieties of these insects have been tested, including those that can carry dangerous diseases.
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