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Emojiez - Need I say more?
I'm sure by now you've seen the little Emoji themed toys and well pretty much everything that's out now. If not I'm sure you've at least heard of Emojiez and maybe even used them a time or two when texting. I know I have. Sometimes it's a happy face, sometime a sad face just to give my message a little extra emphasis or fun. I honestly had no idea just how many different Emoji themed things were out there until I really started paying attention. And of course when I got my fun Emoji character package. Inside I had everything from a stuffed Emoji poo to smiley stickers and erasers. I have to say out of them all I liked the cat face eraser the most, it was super cute. Of course I didn't get to keep it for myself (or any of the other Emoji stuff actually) because my daughter snatched them all up after I got done taking a photo of them. She hung the plush poo from her backpack and everything else went off to school with her, never to be seen again. I guess at least she will have some fun with them. And who knows maybe I'll see a sticker or two come back home on a paper or folder.
I really like that some of the Emoji stuff wasn't just decorative and can be used. I'm actually thinking about getting her some of the stamps they have for her stocking. She loves putting faces on papers and this would be a fun way to do it.
You can check out these and tons of other Emojiez collectibles online.
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