Stacy Talks & Reviews: Stay up with the latest technology with Beets BLU

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Stay up with the latest technology with Beets BLU

I recently had the opportunity to try out a few products from Beets BLU and am happy to say they are pretty awesome. I love technology and when I get to try out new technology products it's always a lot of fun. If you like techy products you'll definitely want to check out these two products for sure.

The Beets BLU Bluetooth Scale isn't just your basic everyday scale, it's a scale that will wow your socks off.

I've been using this scale for a few days now and man do I really like all of the features that it offers. I've been trying to do better at tracking my weight and writing it down but like most I tend to forget the writing it down in my log part. With this scale I don't have to do that anymore because through the Bluetooth connection it automatically uploads all of my information for me to the app on my phone!

The scale looks nice sitting on my bathroom floor so I leave it out. That reminds me to do my weight in the mornings, not just randomly when I remember.

With the scale and app I can track my weight, body fat percentage, water and muscle level mass on a daily basis. What a great motivator. I can see if something I did in my routine the day before had a positive or negative effect on my results so I know what I need to do or not do. You can track multiple users which is nice for my husband and I to be able to both use it.

Setting everything up is very easy right out of the box and with use of the app. There's even a place on the instructions where you can scan to download the app quick and easy. The app is easy to follow and to use which makes it more encouraging to use.

I was excited about trying the Beets BLU Key Finder out because it seems like I am always misplacing my keys. I can never remember if they are in my jacket pocket, my purse, or if I've left them laying somewhere in the house when it's time to go. With this cool little device I can use my phone to locate exactly where my keys are at. I just press a button through the App on my phone and the key finder beeps letting me know where my keys are. I really like this because it has saved me time searching when I'm in a hurry. I also like that it's nice and small so it doesn't make my keychain extra heavy or bulky, it's even smaller than my car remote.

For what I wanted this works great and I no longer have to waste my time searching for my keys. I'm thinking about getting another one for my mom because she does the same thing losing her keys all the time too. I didn't have any trouble locating the App in the iTunes store and was able to download and use it with my device very easily.

You can find these and other great products in the Beets Blu Store.
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