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My Journey with Nutrisystem has come to an end #NSNation #ad
Over the last three months I've been sharing with you weekly about my journey on the Nutrisystem program. I've shared my highs and my lows along the way because I wanted to be honest with you about how I have done with it. I have learned a lot through-out this journey and I hope if you've been following along you've learned some things too. The biggest thing was that I had to stop what I was doing eating whenever and whatever I wanted through out the day. I learned how to manage what I was eating through smaller portion sizes, and by choosing foods that are actually good for my body and could help me effectively burn the calories I was taking in. That meant eating on a schedule, and eating more veggies in between meals for snacks. It took some time but after a few weeks it really became easier and a part of my daily life. On the days I wasn't able to follow the exact program it left me feeling lost and incomplete for the day.
As far as exercise goes I missed out on a lot of it due to being ill and having a surgery that kept me restricted from exercise for a few weeks. Now that the weather is clearing up finally I plan to get out a lot more and playing with the kids so I am confident that I'll be able to get lots more in now.
I plan to stick with my routine of eating smaller portions through out the day because I really want to lose even more than I have already. I want to get back to a weight where I feel my best all of the time. I've lost 20lbs which shows, but as you can tell there's still plenty that can come off. To be honest until I did the before and after photos I hadn't realized just how much I had lost. And after seeing them it's given me confidence that I can keep going and lose even more.
Beginning Stats:
Weight: 188 lbs
Waist: 37"
Hips: 45"
Beginning Stats:
Weight: 168 lbs
Waist: 34"
Hips: 43"
Through it all I had the support that I needed from my family as well as a dedicated Nutrisystem counselor. She was always there when I needed a question answered and in between she would check in on me to make sure all was going okay. Between that and the app I was using to track my journey I think the two together were instrumental in my weight loss. The app helped me to see daily if I was drinking enough, eating the right amount of calories, exercising like I should, and it showed my progress in weight loss.
Thank you for following along with my journey, I hope you were able to take something from it!
Want to know more? You can learn more about Nutrisystem here.
I'm was provided the Nutrisystem program in exchange for participating in their blogger program. However, all thoughts and opinions stated along the way were my own. #NSNation #ad
This blog contains affiliate links and sponsored posts. All thoughts and opinions are my own however and are in no way influenced by the sponsorships. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.