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Keep your mouth devices clean with Fresh Guard™ by Efferdent™ #FreshGuard
Oh how I wish these products were around when I had my retainer after having braces. There were times that I really wanted to be able to clean them off, but didn't have access to running water. The Fresh Guard™ Wipes would have been perfect for this. Using the wipes reduces yellowing, wipes away mouth film and plaque, and even leaves devices with a fresh minty flavor. Now tell me that doesn't sound like a little bit of heaven after having a retainer or mouth guard in your mouth for an extended period of time. But since my time has passed I've given this box to my son to keep in his gym bag for sports. I know they don't always have quick access, or sometimes enough time after a game to properly wash off their mouth guards and these are perfect for him to give them a quick wipe down before stowing it in his case. I always say something is better than nothing when it comes to cleaning!
As for the The Fresh Guard™ Soak it kills 99.9% of odor-causing bacteria for a deep clean in just five minutes. This is perfect for freshening up his mouth guard before heading out when it hasn't been used for an extended period of time. I can remember how bad my retainer tasted after having it out of my mouth and all dried up for several days once when I forgot it at my grandmas. I can only imagine that a mouth guard does about the same thing. So now I remind my son to drop his mouth guard into the soak while he's either changing into his game clothes, or packing up his bag. Of course this is a perk for mom too because that kiss on his way out is nice and fresh!
Click here for coupons and exclusive offers for new Fresh Guard by Efferdent.
Disclosure: I'm a member of the Smiley Blogger Circle and I was provided with the above mentioned product(s) for the purpose of my personal review. This blog post is not a paid post and the honest opinions stated are my own.
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