Stacy Talks & Reviews: CLOSED: Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies

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CLOSED: Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies

As parents we know that when a child is constipated, it can be an uncomfortable situation for the whole family.  In fact, Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies, a delicious, dentist-approved, daily fiber supplement for kids ages 2-11, recently surveyed moms and found that 54% of them indicated that their child became irritable or crabby when experiencing constipation. What’s more, 72% of moms told us that they feel guilty, worried and frustrated because their child is uncomfortable thanks to constipation. No thank you, constipation!

To help support better digestive health and keep kids regular*, Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies, a recent recipient of the PTPA Seal of Approval for excellence in family products, wants to offer a few tips to help you slip more healthy, fiber-rich foods into your kids daily diet.

Tips to Help Resolve an “Uncomfortable” Situation and Keep Things Moving

According to experts, the leading cause of constipation is insufficient fluid intake, changes in diet, and not getting enough fiber. Since bouts of constipation can often be avoided with a few simple lifestyle and dietary changes, Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies offers four easy tips that may help make big difference:

  • Drink to Go: The colon acts as your body's fluid regulator. When you don’t drink enough, it will borrow water to put back into the body, causing the stools to harden. More fluids in your diet puts more fluids in your bowel, lessening the chance of constipation.
  • Boost Fiber: Fiber is essential for helping support proper gastrointestinal health, and it is especially good for children because it helps to keep them regular*. However, reports show that 90% of children don’t get enough fiber**. While healthy food options are the best way to boost fiber, let’s be real – it can be hard to make sure kids eat enough veggies and grains to get their full recommended fiber on a daily basis. Sugar-free, dentist-approved Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies are a great way to help bridge the gap between the AAP’s recommendations and the actual amount of fiber consumed by most children. The recommended serving of three gummies per day adds 6 total grams of fiber to a child's daily diet (which is equivalent to 21 spears of asparagus or ½ cup of broccoli!).
  • Get Moving: Exercise, along with a balanced diet, helps provide the foundation for a healthy, active lifestyle for every child. Exercise also improves digestion and speeds the passage of food through the intestines. A moving body gets the bowels moving, too.
  • Get on a Schedule: Encourage your child to have a bowel movement at set times during the day, mainly after breakfast. Encourage him or her to respond promptly to the urge to go. It’s important for kids to realize they should go when they have to go, versus hold it in.
Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies are available in CVS, Walmart and Target stores and supermarkets and retailers nationwide as well as online, for the suggested retail price of $7.99 for a bottle of 60 gummies.

For more information and giveaway offers, connect with Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies on Facebook & Twitter, where Pedia-Lax and parents come together for:
·        Helpful resources including a fiber diary and poop journal
·        Easy-to-make, fiber-rich recipes and snack ideas

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
** What We Eat In America National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005-2006 see

My Take:
These are heaven sent! I do really mean that too.  My daughter has had trouble easily going #2 for as long as I can remember.  We even talked to her doctor about it. Come to find out this is a very common problem among children. They said that we should try pear juice (have you ever tried to find pear juice?) and that should help her.  Well after running from store to store trying to find pear juice with no luck, I had given up. That was until I came across Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies. I just knew I had to get some and give them a try. I was so excited when a few days after taking them my daughter was so excited to report that her poopy came out easy!  Yes she was truly excited, the poor kid had such a time before sitting and straining on the potty.  I can only imagine how nice it must have been for her to finally have that relief.  The bottle says to take 3 gummies a day, so we spread them out with each meal.  We've since gone down to just 1 a day with everything seeming to still be doing good.  This is one product I will definitely be keeping stocked. As you can see from her picture she is one happy little girl. Every day first thing she runs to me with her bottle and begs for her gummy!

Giveaway Closed: Winner has been verified and submitted to sponsor.

Win it: One lucky reader will win a bottle of Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies. This giveaway will end June 17th at 10 PM EST. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email. If no response, a new winner will be chosen. Open to residents of the US.

Mandatory Entry: (Mandatory entry must be completed first or bonus entries don't count.)  *Tell me which fiber friendly recipe from their website sounds like something you'd like to try.

Here are the Links you will need for Bonus Entries (1 entry each):
• Follow Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies on Twitter
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• Tweet this giveaway (may be done once per day - please leave a comment with your tweet status) Win a bottle of Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies (Ends 6-17) #Giveaways #win @smtilton @fibergummies

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Disclosure:  Thanks to PR Firm/sponsor I was provided with this product(s) for the purpose of my personal review. This blog post is not a paid post and the honest opinions stated are my own. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, entry via Facebook like is completely optional.
This blog contains affiliate links and sponsored posts. All thoughts and opinions are my own however and are in no way influenced by the sponsorships. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.