It's amazing how something so small and simple can be such a blessing sometimes. The Premium TempleTouch Thermometer fits in the palm of your hand but the benefits are BIG. It's simple and convenient to use which is a plus for a busy mom like myself. I work from home so having a sick child isn't quite as inconvenient as it would be if I worked somewhere else and had to take a day off. But I still have a desk that is overflowing and work to do. That's why it's nice to find products that can help having a sick child home a little less time consuming. TempleTouch Thermometers can be used even if the kiddo is sleeping. You simply press it against their temple and wait a very short time (6-8 seconds) for the beep indicating it's ready for you to read the temperature. No having to stick it under their tongue and watching the clock waiting for time to be up. It even keeps the last recorded temperature in memory when you turn it on again so you can gauge if their temperature is raising or falling. The thing I really liked besides the quick and easy way to take their temperature, is that it also features a ODPT® – Over Dose Protective Timer. Man if I had this all these years it would have been like having gold! How many times do you give your kids medicine then look at the clock a few hours later going uh...what time was "Little Johnny" supposed to get medicine again?? I know I've caught myself doing that over and over, and everytime I think I should really write this down so I know when to give them medicine again. Now with my very own PremiumTempleTouch Thermometer I don't' have to worry, I just set the timer and go.
Award-winning, economical, reliable, accurate, and non-invasive, the TempleTouch® Premium is the world’s only combined thermometer for both temple & underarm measurement in a new innovative design. Another breakthrough in thermometers, its unique design & technical capabilities, which enable parents to receive quick and accurate temperature measurement by just touching the infant’s temple or open armpit. The temple area is a comfortable and easy measurement site, accessible when child or patient is awake or asleep.
* Measurement locations – temple and underarm
* Instant measurement, 6 – 8 seconds
* Room Temperature display.
* Large and easy to read back-lighted LCD
* ODPT® – Over Dose Protective Timer.
* Recalls last reading recorded
* Celsius/Fahrenheit scale readouts
* Simple to operate, no scanning required
* Family friendly, safe and gentle enough for newborns
* Meets ASTM Accuracy requirements
TempleTouch even has a TempleTouch Mom Blog website chalked full of useful information.
Giveaway CLOSED - Congratulations to the winner you have been notified via email and have 48 hours to reply or a new winner will be chosen.
Win it: One lucky reader will win a PremiumTempleTouch Thermometer. This giveaway will end April 8th at 10 PM EST. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email. If no response, a new winner will be chosen. Open to residents of the US.
Entry Method: Follow me/the sponsor via methods listed on form. Please use form for ALL entries, except daily tweets.
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Disclosure: Thanks to PR Firm/sponsor I was provided with this product(s) for the purpose of my personal review. This blog post is not a paid post and the honest opinions stated are my own.