Stacy Talks & Reviews: Handwritten Notes Mean More

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Handwritten Notes Mean More

It seems like in today's digital world something as simple as a handwritten note has become somewhat of a lost art. Everyone is so busy being caught up in the hustle and bustle of life they either don't have the time, or just don't want to make the time to sit down and write a handwritten note. Honestly what does that say about us and the notes we do send?

I don't know about you, but for me a handwritten note, even if it's just a few sentences long makes a stronger, and longer lasting impact on me than an email or text message of any length. Even if the note is messy or hard to read because someone has poor handwriting I'd still prefer it knowing the amount of effort they put into it. I mean let's be honest, when was the last time you saved a text or email someone sent you thanking you for something you did for them? I'll be honest I don't have a folder of them I keep to look back on later. But what I do have is a shoebox with cards and letters I've gotten over the years that people actually took the time to send me. I've saved them because they matter most to me and had the biggest impact when I received them. I know how much time they invested out of their day to send those notes and choose not to toss that time invested away.

As far as writing notes myself, yes I've sent some over the years. Enough of them? Probably not. I will be honest I have thought about doing it several times, but after a few days it seems like too much time has passed for it to be as meaningful to sit down and send that thank you note so much later. So like many I end up sending a quick text or email that I'm sure just got a quick "you're welcome" response. And I'm sure I probably deleted the email, or the text got buried with conversations that followed never to be thought of again. Just think if I had taken the time and sent a handwritten note instead the response I might have gotten. I may have gotten a phone call thanking me for taking the time to write them a note, or even a text that said "Thank you for the note it meant alot to me.". Think of how much that would have impacted both of us in the long run. Boy would that have been worth it.

I'm sure there are some that at the end of the day honestly don't have time to sit down and write a letter let alone multiple letters if there are multiple people that need shown appreciation. It's just how things are between work, family, and day to day life. But don't let that stop you! There is help out there for those that want to make the effort. There's an awesome handwritten note generator can help you out! All you have to do is type (or talk to text) your message on the Handwrytten website or app and a specialized robot will write it for you - with an actual pen! You can choose from their stock cards or send in your own specialized stationary if you have some. They even mail the cards right to your recipient so everything is taken care of for you. 

Honestly there are so many reasons you could send someone a handwritten note even if you don't need to say "thank you" for something they did. Don't let poor penmanship or the excuses of a busy life keep you from making someone's day. Get those thoughts down on paper and let someone know you care enough to send more than a text or email.


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