Stacy Talks & Reviews: Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing with BellyCrush

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Taking Charge of Your Health & Wellbeing with BellyCrush

Have you been trying to curb you're sweet tooth habits? Or at least trying to make better choices when it comes to snacking all together? If you said yes to either (or both) of these questions you are ready to meet what could be your new favorite high fiber snack cookie!

BellyCrush is a brand that makes high fiber cookies made with yellow pea fiber. Being high in fiber means they will help keep you feeling fuller longer. Each cookie contains up to 30% of your daily fiber requirements and supports digestive wellness and a healthy body weight. Yellow pea fiber is also clinically proven to help with weight loss.

What is yellow pea fiber you ask?
Yellow pea fiber is a unique plant-based fiber from yellow pea hulls. Yellow peas are a pulse crop, like lentils or chickpeas, and are grown in Alberta and other regions in Canada and Northern U.S. Similar to other legumes, yellow peas are an excellent source of fiber and protein.

BellyCrush cookies are currently available in Oatmeal Hemp and Ginger Flax. They are the first of many yellow pea fiber products to come! BellyCrush recommends you eat one of these cookies about half an our before a meal to give your body time to recognize that you’ve eaten. Then when it's time to eat your meal you should feel more full, which will make it easier to keep to healthy portions during your actual meal.

BellyCrush cookies come in a box of 6 individually wrapped cookies making them super easy to grab on your way out the door. At under 200 calories each they are a great option when you need to push off hunger for a while or don’t have time to make a meal.

I like to keep a couple of each flavor in my car for those times when I am running errands and don't have time to stop for a healthy meal to keep me out of the fast food drive-up lines. They are a little drier than regular cookies because of the amount of fiber in them so be sure you've got a bottle of water handy, or your favorite go-to drink on the go. In the end you'll have enjoyed a much healthier alternative to greasy fast food, and your body will thank you later too!

Save 10% Off Your Purchase at BellyCrush with code "SMTILTON"! 

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