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RepairSmith - Car Repair, Delivered!
I may be a homemaker, but that doesn't mean that all I do is sit around at home all day. I cook, clean, run errands, care for my family, and I even do some odd jobs from home. And that means my days are pretty busy, sometimes so busy I don't have time to spend in a repair shop waiting for even minor things to be done. That's when a place like RepairSmith would come in real handy.
What's RepairSmith you ask?
RepairSmith offers the most convenient way to repair and maintain your car. For the first time, car owners can choose to get their cars repaired directly in their driveways or at one of RepairSmiths certified repair shops. They’re making the entire car repair experience easy from start to finish by offering upfront pricing, online booking, after-hours support, and a service warranty.
What's it going to cost? With upfront quotes and price guarantees the price you see is the price you pay. It doesn't matter if the service is done in your driveway or at our shop, there's no surprises. You can get a FREE instant quote right on their website so you know what it will cost before you ever make an appointment.
Is RepairSmith convenient to schedule?You can schedule an appointment, get a quote via text, and manage all your car repairs and maintenance online. Their team of repair advisers and mechanics make it easy, 6AM to 10PM, 7 days a week. You can do it all from your easy chair in your pj's if you want to!
What types of service does RepairSmith offer?
• Replace spark plugs
• Replace front brake pads
• Replace catalytic converter
• Replace front brake rotors
• Replace rear brake pads
• Replace alternator
• Service automatic transmission fluid
• Transmission rebuilt/replace
• Synthetic oil change
Does RepairSmith deliver quality service you can trust?
Their expert delivery mechanics are equipped with company vans and state-of-the-art tools and equipment allowing them to handle about 85% of repairs on-site. If shop-level tools are required, car owners can drop off at one of their fully-vetted shops. They stand behind all work with a 12-month / 12,000-mile warranty.
Where can you find RepairSmith?
Currently, they service Greater Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, as well as the Bay Area and Sacramento. They have plans to roll out to other major cities this year. So stay tuned for RepairSmith convenience at a location near you!
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