Stacy Talks & Reviews: InCoWriMo - How are you doing so far?

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InCoWriMo - How are you doing so far?

This February, with a little help from Pilot I started out with the mission of participating in InCoWriMo. Also know as International Correspondence Writing Month. What is InCoWriMo you ask? InCoWriMo challenges you to hand-write and mail/hand deliver one letter, card, note or postcard every day during the month of February. I started out pretty good the first of the month, then slacked off when I got sick with bronchitis and a bad asthma flare-up. I tried not to let it get me down, but honestly I was just too tired and drained to keep up every day. I did decide however to make up for the days I missed by either doubling up some days, or carrying over the days I missed into March. I really wanted to be able to finish the mission not just so I could say I did it, but because of the way it felt seeing people look at me with surprise - and then joy when they read the note I wrote them.

Honestly hand-written notes are becoming less and less popular, kind of like a lost art really. With all of the new-age technology that allows you to send a letter via email, or text a quick note any time day or night why would you stop and hand write a letter instead? For the pure joy of seeing a smile on someone's face that's why! Trust me it is very rewarding seeing someone's eyes light up knowing you cared enough to invest the time in the note you just gave them.

February may be coming to a close soon, but it's still not too late to join in on InCoWriMo. You don't even have to try to make up for the days missed. Just make the commitment to start today and finish out the month. I'll bet you decide you want to give it some extra days when February 29th rolls around!

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