A new promotion opportunity just opened up with your company. Think you’re gonna apply for the job? Well, you should expect to have an internal interview. It’s a lot like a regular job interview, except you will be speaking with bosses and recruiters that you likely already know pretty well.
That doesn’t give you an excuse to slack off, though. Internal interviews are highly important and can help supervisors determine whether you are the best fit for the new position.
Here are some tips to get you started on your path to success.
1. Know the role inside and out.
It’s important to do some research so you know exactly what the new promotional job entails. You will definitely be asked about it by your interviewer, so be sure to prepare ahead of time by thoroughly studying the role’s description and requirements. That way you will be more capable of answering any questions about it.
Think of this like a standard job interview. The more you know about the job position, the more comfortable you will be answering questions about it. Compare it with your resume. Do you possess all of the qualifications and skills required to do a great job in this new position?
2. Study the field.
Even if the new job position lands within the same field you’re working in now, you should still read up on any latest news or strategies to give you the upper hand. You know a lot about your company since you’ve been working there for a while. But do you know what its competitors are up to? Moving into a higher position may require you to know more about what’s actually going on in the field, both inside and outside of the company. If you want to get the fastest promotions in one of the most competitive industries in the world, you should visit wallstreetsam.com.
3. Get to know everything you can about your company.
No matter how long you’ve been working there, there’s always m ore to learn. You have an advantage as someone who is already on the inside. You are probably privy to a lot more information than those candidates who are applying from outside fields. You have taken the time to get to know the company’s mission statement and core values. Use this during your promotion interview to talk about how your hard work and strengths perfectly align with the company’s mission. And, show how you can benefit the company when starting in this new position.
4. Prepare answers to difficult questions.
Your interviewers may try to psych you out. Make sure you are prepared to answer tough questions such as:
- Why are you looking to change departments right now?
- What don’t you like about your current job?
- What do you like about your current job?
- If you don’t get this promotion, what do you plan to do?
- If you do get this promotion, what will you do within your first 30 days?
- Why are you the best candidate for this job position?
5. Talk to your boss before the interview.
The last thing you want is for your boss to find out from someone else that you interviewed for a promotion. Although you might be afraid of angering your boss, you need to schedule some time to sit with them privately and let them know what you plan on doing. Confront your boss before there are any issues. In most cases, they will want to support you and can offer feedback about your strengths or possible areas of improvement.