Stacy Talks & Reviews: Routine Maintenance: Simple Steps to Protecting your Pipes #RotoRooter

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Routine Maintenance: Simple Steps to Protecting your Pipes #RotoRooter

Roto-Rooter reminds us that we need to protect the pipes in our home as the first step of routine maintenance. It's a great way to help prevent septic back-ups, leaky pipes, and clogged drains and could save you lots of money in the long run. Below are five simple ways you as a homeowner can protect your pipes.

Service your Septic System: Every 3-5 years you should have a professional service check your septic system. As part of that service they will check your pipes for leaks and check the septic tank for current sludge levels. The service will let you know when your tank needs to be pumped. And trust me this is something you want to take note of as it can be a costly mess if it backs up!

Replace older cast iron and galvanized pipes: Cast iron and galvanized pipes used in older homes can begin to rust on the inside after being exposed to water over the years. Not only is it a health hazard but it can also cause your pipes to clog, or even worse spring a leak. It is advised that cast iron and galvanized pipes be updated with plastic PVC piping.

Take better control of what goes down your drain: Clogged pipes is a common household problem, especially in homes with multiple family members with long hair. (Yes I'm speaking from experience.) Roto-Rooter products can be good for unclogging them when the actually clog does occur, but a little prevention can go a long way. For instance if you have a garbage disposal, use it for smaller foods and stray bits of food that happen to spill into the sink. Not for larger pieces that may not get chopped up well and then end up getting stuck. Or by installing a cover on bathroom drains that catches hair and keeps most of it from going down the drain causing clogs.

Septic Treatment: Another thing you can do to help your septic system is use Roto-Rooter Septic Treatment each month to keep your septic system clean. You simply pour the indicated amount in your toilet each time and it does the dirty work. It uses enzymes that break down and eliminate waste that has the potential to clog your pipes and back up your septic system.

And finally winterize pipes: In the winter it's important that you prevent your pipes from freezing. When pipes freeze they can burst, and this can lead to major leaks and loss of water. To prevent this from happening cover exposed pipes with insulation to keep them warm. When the outside temperatures are below freezing, it is recommended that you leave the water running on low. This keeps the water moving to prevent pipes from freezing. As an added measure you can also keep your sink cabinet doors open inside your home so the heat inside can reach the pipes easier and keep them warm inside the house too.

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