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ElectroLight Fire Starter
As some of you may know we burn wood inside during the cold months in our wood-burning stove. It's a great way to cut back on the costs of heating, and it's nice to look at and feel the warmth from too. If you’ve ever tried to start a fire from scratch inside a wood stove you probably know it’s not the easiest task out there. Even though I’ve been doing it for nearly 14 years now I still have trouble getting it going sometimes. Well, that was until I started using the ElectroLight Fire Starter. Now I just build my fire as usual, but instead of using a lighter to light it I use the ElectroLight.
The ElectroLight functions by expelling super-hot, 1300°F temperature air that ignites the flames, and then fans them with a built-in blower. It is guaranteed to light every time, even in the windiest conditions. No lighter fluid…no butane…just a safe and easy way to start a fire! On average it takes about 2-3 minutes to get the fire going strong. A lot less time than I spend sometimes trying to light it with a lighter.
Besides using it for our wood stove the ElectroLight can also be used to light charcoal for grilling, fire pits, and campfires. The red start trigger has a built-in safety feature to protect yourself and the ElectroLight. The durable heating element, motor, and switch will last you for thousands of lights.
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