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ReliefBand: Relief when and where you need it
As someone that has suffered from motion sickness for as long as I can remember there's nothing I wouldn't have tried to make it stop. I can remember when I was younger getting sick from having to travel just a few hours away on vacation in the back seat of my dad's pick-up truck. It was a horrible feeling and made me dread going very far away from home. Thankfully as I got older it wasn't quite as bad, and I was able to take something over the counter for it. Oh but did I mention to me that stuff was like taking Benadryl, it put me right to sleep! At least I didn't feel sick anymore. Of course that doesn't work to well as an adult when your trying to help navigate on a trip or need to take turns driving. And don't let me forget to mention the taste if you accidentally let it sit on your tongue before you swallowed it. Oh my goodness are they terrible, probably the worst pill I've ever taken to be honest.
The holidays are one of the busiest travel seasons of the year, but for the 60 million Americans that suffer with motion sickness, the holidays can be full of worry and dread due to a short flight or long bus ride. Thankfully there is a way to combat that motion sickness that doesn't include a nasty tasting pill that might make you drowsy. It's called ReliefBand.
ReliefBand is a wearable, clinically proven device that is the drug-free treatment of nausea associated with motion sickness. The reusable device works in minutes, helping people to have stress free travel on planes, trains, automobiles or any form of transport known to man for just $89.99.
ReliefBand is the first in a new breed of over the counter devices called a “treatable” – a wearable device that can actually treat a condition rather than just monitor symptoms or activity. Reliefband uses accurately programmed pulses with highly specific waveform, frequency, and intensity to stimulate the median nerve on the underside of the wrist. This activity, known as neuromodulation, uses the body’s natural neural pathways to block the waves of nausea produced by the stomach.
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