You’re with all your friends, you’ve got your family at your
side but you need something to spice up the atmosphere. With kids in the mix
and your own mother around it can be a little hard to find the right activity
to suit everyone.
Rudy Games, an Austrian-based Game Studio, has
recently launched the Kickstarter for a new interactive party board game, Interaction,
that covers all ages… and all types. The sports-mad teen, the football-fanatic
grandpa and the artistic aunty can find just the right degree of fun to
challenge them through the game. The content is adjusted to suit each player’s
age, interests and locations to make sure everyone is properly challenged.
With technology’s current level, this really should come as
no surprise. The game is a party board game that has an app built in, which can
learn and determine each player’s interests based on their previous answers to
create the perfect game content. If the players choose, Interaction can also
use their Facebook information to personalize the questions based on what pages
they have liked and their recent activity. With other quiz-based games, once
you’ve played them about ten times you can almost predict the questions. Yet,
with Interaction, one of the best parts about the game is it continuously provides new content available
for regular download.
So when the party scene is failing, up to nine different
players can get on board Interaction and play it out in categories based on
knowledge, creativity, action, social and games.
They are running a Kickstarter now. Find out more and get special perks here: