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Here's to a germ free 2017!
Hand hygiene is one of the most important preventive measures we can all take to reduce the spread of germs that can cause illness. PURELL® products are perfect for practicing good hand hygiene when soap and water are not available. PURELL® Advanced Hand Sanitizer in convenient JELLY WRAP™ Carriers are great for taking with you on the go. Cause as you know (probably from experience) we are all busy and on the go these days. It's actually become a thing every year now for me to put hand sanitizer in my kids stockings. They actually have come to expect it which it quite funny to me. But hey, I'm for any way that gets them to practice good hygiene habits. So if you ever see a group of kids you'll know which ones mine are by the little hand sanitizers hanging from their backpacks.
Health experts have reported that more than 80 percent of illnesses can be transmitted by the hands, which is why practicing good hand hygiene throughout the day is so important. In fact, practicing good hand hygiene is one of the most important preventive measures we can take to reduce the spread of illness-causing germs.
We all live busy lives and sometimes soap and water are not always available, and for those moments, an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or hand sanitizing wipes are effective at helping to reduce the spread of illness-causing germs.
Product Benefits:
• Kills 99.99% of germs that may cause illness
• Trusted and used by the top leading hospitals
• Clinically proven to be effective in maintaining skin health
• Enhanced with emollients in a skin-friendly formulation that is gentle on hands
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