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Make things sparkle again with an Electric Power Washer
My husband has been looking for a new Electric Power Washer ever since his old one quit working. We had been putting it off because it was an expense we didn't want to take lightly. Thankfully in the process of looking for one I was given the opportunity to check out this one from Hammacher Schlemmer. And boy am I glad because it's been such a great thing to have around. Since it arrived we have used it to pressure wash our vehicles, our house, and our driveway. I guess you could say we had some catching up to do on our deep cleaning. I am still in awe every time I walk out the front door and see just how well it worked on our house. It had gotten really nasty after having not been cleaned for so long.
Just check out how awesome our siding looked after we did a simple power wash to it. We didn't even use any cleaners or anything, just straight water! I have you impressed now don't I? Well I should because it's pretty darn awesome the way it cleans. It's so simple to use too that I even used it by myself after having just watched my husband one time. Now I can wash off my car anytime I like, which is great because I don't like leaving road salt and sand on it all winter long.
Electric Power Washer
This electric power washer cleaned more effectively and was the easiest to use in side-by-side tests conducted by The Hammacher Schlemmer Institute. Analysts used each power washer on a variety of surfaces and compared the results. The Best model removed the most paint from a cement brick, scoured mud from a car rim in only 22 seconds, and cleaned dirt and mold from aluminum siding faster than all other units. Analysts also deemed The Best Power Washer the simplest model to use, with a convenient design for attaching the spray and turbo nozzles and filling the 44-oz. soap tank, and large wheels and multiple footholds for easy maneuvering. The Best Power Washer has a 30' hose, produces a powerful 2,000 PSI of force, and plugs into AC with a 35' cord. 36" H x 17" W x 13" D. (40 lbs.)
Buy it: You can purchase this Electric Power Washer on the Hammacher Schlemmer website.
Disclosure: I received compensation in the form of product in exchange for my honest and unbiased thoughts. All thoughts and opinions stated are my own and are in no way influenced by my partnership with mentioned brands.
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