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Crayola Crayon Factory - Creativity at it's best!
Okay so I bet you're like us and have one of those boxes (or bags) of crayon stubs and broken pieces am I right? Come on tell the truth, if you have kids you're sure to have one just sitting and looking for a purpose. I know we've had one going for quite some time. I just hate to throw things out that I could possible re-purpose later and use. Well thankfully I held onto those crayon pieces because they have come in quite handy with our new Crayola Crayon Factory. It's really quite cool if you ask me. By using pieces of crayon you stack in the crayon chamber you can melt them down into a fun new shaped crayon! The first one I made (shown above) was a learning experience. I made my blue piece a little too large so the heart had a really dark top half. The trick is to use short pieces if you want a swirl effect through your crayon. You can do just one color too if you want a solid colored crayon. My daughter has been making hearts, dogs and race cars like mad ever since this arrived. She's trying to make sets of them for her cousins for Christmas. I thought it was a really sweet idea. Plus she's old enough to use it all on her own so she can make them without my help.
It gives you a whole new perspective when you're at a restaurant and they give you the little pack of four crayons for the kids to color with. Instead of leaving them behind because we already had a ton at home, we now snatch them up so we can create fun new crayon shapes with them!
Recycle old crayon bits into colorful reusable crayons with the Crayola Crayon Factory. Designed to work with most standard size Crayola crayons, this electric-powered accessory lets kids create custom toys with colors of their choice. Simply feed crayon bits into the factory and watch as they melt and transform into cool, colorful figurines. The kit comes with three molds and eight full-sized crayons, so kids can start recycling crayons right out of the box. And because the resultant figurines are made of crayon wax, kids can use them for either drawing or playing.
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