Stacy Talks & Reviews: Give a gift that keeps on giving this holiday season!

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Give a gift that keeps on giving this holiday season!

When I do my holiday shopping I like to get gifts that people will enjoy and not just be tossed in a closet and forgotten. I know I'm victim of having gotten a few of those "what do I do with this" gifts. I always smile and thank the giver graciously, but after I get home I toss it in a drawer or closet hoping for the chance to re-gift it to someone that might actually use it. That's why when I shop I think not only is it something I would use, but is it something the recipient would use. I also like to take it one step further when gifting to people I know like to donate to charities and help those less fortunate. I like to give them a gift they will truly appreciate that also gives to someone else in the process. Kind of like when you give gifts from the Women's Bean Project.

Women's Bean Project is a transitional job training program for chronically unemployed and impoverished women. We provide jobs in gourmet food and handmade jewelry manufacturing. At the same time, we augment the skills they develop on the job by offering special programming and classes in interpersonal and life skills needed to move into career entry-level employment.

By working in an active business, program participants learn the importance of reliability, accuracy, punctuality, attention to detail and attendance; while also addressing life skills – communication, budgeting, accountability, problem solving and goal setting. Our graduates become empowered to lead successful, self-sufficient and fulfilling lives, creating a brighter future – for themselves, their families, our communities and our economy.

I really like Women's Bean Project because not only does your recipient receive a gift they can enjoy but someone else also benefits from your purchase of that gift. So really it's like your giving two gifts at the same time, and at least one of them keeps on giving. They offer gifts in all sorts of categories like apparel, food, beverages, and handmade jewelry. So really they have something to offer that anyone on your Christmas list would like. I mean who doesn't love getting sweets as a present? I know I sure do!

Disclosure: I received compensation in the form of product in exchange for my honest and unbiased thoughts. All thoughts and opinions stated are my own and are in no way influenced by my partnership with mentioned brands.
This blog contains affiliate links and sponsored posts. All thoughts and opinions are my own however and are in no way influenced by the sponsorships. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.