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Is your bathroom back to school ready?
With back to school in full swing for many parents it's time to make sure you have things in order at home (especially in the bathroom) now that school supplies are a thing of the past. What do I mean by that you ask? I'm talking about making sure all of the bathroom necessities are taken care of so kids (younger and older) can be prepared to head off feeling fresh and clean every day for school. It's never too early to instill in kids that hand washing is important every time they use the bathroom. And that is a habit that should really start at home. So is good personal hygiene for their bodies and their teeth. I know when school is in my kids both seem to take a lot more showers. Before these fun soap dispensers arrived featuring Frozen my daughter always fought me on washing her hands very often. But now that she has fun character soap dispensers from Softsoap she's all the time washing them. It's really quite funny the drastic change that I've seen in her soap usage. But hey, I'm not complaining because at least now I don't have to fight a battle with her. I'm the one that's really been enjoying the Softsoap Luminous Oils body wash the most I think though, I really like the way it leaves my skin feeling so smooth and soft.
My son on the other hand is really getting into this thing about wanting his teeth to be whiter. And since I'm not all about spending hundreds at the dentist to have them bleached he's been using a Colgate Optic White Toothbrush & Pen. He's all sorts of excited about the difference he's been seeing and once again this mamma is super happy to see her kiddo making good and healthy choices for his body.
Disclosure: I received the products featured in this post for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased thoughts by Colgate-Palmolive for review purposes. All thoughts and opinions state are my own and are in no way influenced by my partnership with mentioned brands.
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