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Learning to always be prepared on the Nutrisystem program #NSNation #ad
So one of the many great things I've learned through this whole process on Nutrisystem is that you should always be prepared. What I mean by that is if you're leaving the house always have a planned way to have a snack and your lunch just in case you aren't able to stop and have something that's appropriate for your plan. I have to say I learned this tip the hard way. Too many times I left thinking I wouldn't be gone too long and then things ended up taking longer than planned and I didn't have a snack with me. So by the time I got home for lunch I was starving and wanted to eat more than I should. So after a few times of that I started putting packages of Whole Grain Peanut Butter Crackers in my car and purse. The great thing about these is they're a great fit for a PowerFuel and SmartCarb serving combined. The other nice thing I figured out is they are actually less calories than if I did a serving of peanut butter and whole grain crackers separately. The other thing I pack is one of my lunch bars. That's another one I had trouble with a few times. I thought I was just going to be in town for early morning errands then ended up doing other things too leaving myself stuck without lunch. It's always better to be prepared then to find yourself unprepared and getting stressed out about what to do for food. You can even do this for breakfast if you don't eat as soon as you get up, just pop one of the breakfast bars in your purse and go.
Honestly this is great information for anyone on any sort of plan, or diet. Never leave yourself open to even entertaining the idea of stopping off for fast food just because you don't have something with you to eat. It's too easy to fall off the wagon so to speak when you're hungry and feeling vulnerable. Thankfully the times I forgot food it all worked out and I was able to get to something good for me to eat soon after. Heck one time I even stopped into the grocery store and bought a little lunch sized veggie tray mix to tide me over. Sometimes my kids laugh because I have food stashed in the car, but they won't be laughing next time they are with me and mom's the one with the snacks when they are hungry!
As of this week I am down to 168 from last weeks 170.5. The ability to exercise has really helped and so has finally feeling better and not being sick and run down all the time. I'm really looking forward to my final few weeks to see just how effective the plan can be for me now that I can fully take advantage of it.
Want to know more? You can learn more about Nutrisystem here.
I'm being provided the Nutrisystem program in exchange for participating in their blogger program. However, all thoughts and opinions stated along the way are my own. #NSNation #ad
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