If you have kids you know what it's like always wondering if they are okay if you aren't home. I know for me as a stay-at-home mom I always try to make sure I am home from errands/appointments before my kids get home from school. But as I'm sure you already know things happen and our days don't always turn out like we plan. And well, sometimes we don't make it home exactly when we want to. For me that's not usually a big deal because I have a teenage son that gets home before my daughter so she isn't arriving home to an empty house. However my son has started getting involved in after school activities this year and therefore he doesn't always come straight home from school now. That means some days he doesn't get home until after his sister, and if I'm not here she would be here alone for a short period of time. It would only be about half an hour, but as a parent I'd like to make sure she arrived home off the bus and to our house okay. We don't have a land-line phone so I wanted to find a simple and cost effective way for her to communicate with her dad and me if we aren't home. I was afraid of going to a contract plan and her going over on the usage and it costing way too much. I know how she likes to play games on my phone and text family members. I needed to find a plan that would provide her with what she needed, but not get me in trouble with overages or extra fees. Thankfully I found just what I was looking for: Introducing Simply Prepaid™ from T-Mobile.
On a recent trip to Walmart we checked into the Simply Prepaid™ plan and found out just how economical and affordable it was. For just $40 dollars a month we would get 4G LTE data with unlimited talk and text. Now that sounds like the perfect plan for my daughter. It would give her the ability to call or text us anytime she needed to whether it's when staying at a friends house, or arriving home from school. Plus she has data for the extra fun stuff that kids love to use cell phones for.
Yep, that's a happy little girl right there. She's been wanting a phone ever since her older brother got one a few years ago. We knew it wasn't an affordable option at the time and told her when she got older and really "needed" a phone we would get her one. Yes she's still pretty young, but living in the country with not a lot of close neighbors we thought now was a good time. Plus the Simply Prepaid™ plan gives us just what she needs, and there's no fear of her going over on her limits causing extra fees. With T-Mobile you get nationwide 4G LTE on a Data Strong network, award winning customer service, and an awesome selection of all the latest smartphones.
And now that she has a phone she actually doesn't mind sitting on the couch next to her brother. I've even caught the two of them texting each other and giggling. Yes from the same couch, kind of funny if you ask me. But it's actually brought us all closer together because now we can all text each other with cute messages like "Hope you have a good day". Something as simple as that can make the day of a child that doesn't get to see their dad when they wake up in the morning. My daughter loves finding texts from her dad in the morning before she goes to school. And of course she loves sending him messages back to find when he is on break at work.
And of course no phone is complete without a case to protect it. I knew she was going to be carrying the phone in her backpack to and from school so I ordered her a case right away for the phone too. Now I don't have to worry about it getting dropped and broken when she's away from home. The other day she even called me after school to remind me she would need picked up after her Girl Scouts meeting. Of course I already knew that, but I thanked her for the reminder and for being responsible with the phone using it for a good thing. The call came in nice and clear and I have to say for prepaid that made me very impressed. We tried prepaid a few years ago and it was definitely not worth the money because half the time we weren't able to use it for calling when we needed to.
Prepaid often has slow data, a spotty network, and second rate phones with a lot smaller selection. However with Simply Prepaid™ you get 4G LTE data on T-Mobile. Now that's a prepaid plan worth investing in. Time to sit down and rethink those pricey contract plans with all the extra fees.
Been thinking about a prepaid plan for yourself or someone in your family? Check out this awesome video that shows lots of great reasons why you might want to try it out for yourself.