If you're looking for a fun way to celebrate National Cat Day then do it with Cat Paw from Wicked Cool Toys. They are a super cute toy that makes either cute or feisty cat sounds depending on how hard you "pull the trigger" back. As soon as we got ours the kids were having "cat fights" with each other with the feisty sound. Then they would use the cute sound to rub their paws together to play nice. It was quite amusing to say the least.
And of course you can't leave out the animal this days is made in honor of. Kitty cats love the Cat Paw too!
Cat Paws from Wicked Cool Toys are wildly fun and purrrfect
for everyone! Creep out co-workers, amuse cat lovers and STUPEFY cats
themselves with the amazing, bizarre, wonderful and super fun
CAT PAW! Cat Paw features four different cat styles to
choose from which includes a Orange Shorthair Cat Paw, a White Persian Cat Paw,
a Maine Coon Cat Paw and a Black Cat Paw. Each Cat Paw includes two realistic
sounds (friendly and feisty) and an awesome clawing action! Simply pull on the
trigger to activate sound and movement – a light pull for the friendly sound
and a firm grip and hold for the feisty sound!You can purchase Cat Paw toys at Toys "R" Us.
You can connect with Cat Paw on their social media outlets:
Twitter: @mycatpaw - #CatPaw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycatpaw
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycatpaw
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/thecatpaw