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Gamesformotion put a "Sweet Spin" on Childhood Games with Chocolate Pieces
The idea of combining games and chocolate together in my opinion is genius! It's the two things most kids would tell you are two of their favorite things: candy and games. The first game we opted to play was Candy Land. It's one of my daughters favorite games so I was pretty excited to see just how it would be played out with her. It had four character pieces so we were all able to play together at the same time. The chocolate pieces in this one were the replacements for the color cards you use in the original game for moving your person closer to the candy castle. And the reward was a golden chocolate coin for being the first to reach the end. Lots of great uses of chocolate! We ended up playing the game a few times before we opted to start digging into the chocolate squares. It was really a lot of fun, and with the extra incentive of winning chocolate in the end the kids were even more competitive than usual to win. But it was all good in the end because there were plenty of chocolates for everyone. We saved a few of the games for some cousins that are coming to visit soon so we can share the fun (and chocolates) with them too.
Gamesformotion (, announced today the release of classic childhood board game favorites including Candy Land, Monopoly, Clue, Battleship and more, which will all exclusively feature game pieces that you can eat. All of the chocolate games have the same essential features as their famous counterparts, except that their cards and letter tiles have been replaced with the finest Belgian milk chocolate encased within printed wrappers. Rules for all of the games have been slightly modified by Gamesformotion to ensure they’re always fun and easy to play. Now instead of playing solely for the bragging rights of winning, in many of the games, you now win all of the chocolate that you could hope for in one sitting.
Buy it:
All games will be available at Target, CVS, at select SuperValu store locations, Kmart,, Meijer and Fred Meyer, Bed Bath & Beyond and select smaller distributors with retail prices starting at only $9.99.
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