We are just now hitting summer vacation and the kids are already wishing their dad was home with us so we could start on family trips to the park and camping before the weather gets too hot. But unfortunately that won't happen until the factory he works at shuts down in July. So in the meantime I came up with the perfect plan for them to be able to keep in touch with their dad. Thanks to Walmart having the cheapest wireless plans I was able to get a phone for them with Unlimited Talk Text and Data/Web at a very reasonable price.
Our Walmart had a great selection of phones to choose from and had everything we needed to get started using the phone right away. Just how this mommy likes it, one stop shopping! I picked up a phone and a Starter Kit and we were ready to head home and activate in a matter of minutes. Well...almost ready that is. My daughter decided she needed to be a part of the photo fun and began posing for me with the phone we picked out.
Here she is acting like she's talking to her dad on the phone telling him all about our day and shopping trip to pick up a phone. I have to give her credit she sure did look like she was talking to someone telling them a great story.
The phone we settled on is also internet compatible so the kids can put the phone to good use beyond texting dad at working and sending him pictures. With this phone they can also play games online and look up information on the web. My son's already been searching to find information on some campgrounds in the area so he can go camping and fishing with his dad for Father's Day. And since he has a phone of his own he can even send pictures back home to mom while they are away.
Now the kids can text (and send selfies) to their dad while he's on his breaks during the day at work. It's the perfect way for them to feel like they are still a part of their dad's day until he gets home. I couldn't be happier with the choice we made and the plan that we choose. I did all of the registration right from my computer on the Walmart Family Mobile website. It was a very easy process and the phone was ready for action in less than 15 minutes.
Special thanks to #CollectiveBias and Walmart #FamilyMobile for sponsoring this post. It's helped us save money with a mobile service that fits our budget and saves us money, all while keeping my husband and kids in touch all day long.