Stacy Talks & Reviews: Live Healthier and Happier...Will you take the Dare? #Win a $50 or VISA gift card - Ends 7-1

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Live Healthier and Happier...Will you take the Dare? #Win a $50 or VISA gift card - Ends 7-1

UnitedHealthcare is running a new campaign to help families live healthier through their website The new challenge for June is to post of photo of someone smiling. This month's dare is all about smiling to relieve some stress. And to make it a little more enticing for you to join in on the monthly dare, stress activity quiz, or fitness challenge when you participate you're also entered to win a weekly $25 pre-paid gift card prize and their monthly $400 gift card grand prize.

When I first heard about initiative I had to check it out for myself. I wondered if it was really as simple as it sounded. Well...after clicking on each of the June dares I found out for myself that yes, it really was that simple. For the photo challenge all you have to do is upload a photo or video of someone you made smile. Take a moment and just think about it, I bet right there on your phone or computer you have a ton of pictures of people you made smile. I know as a mom I sure do so I simply picked a recent photo and was able to quickly and easily upload it for my entry.

I picked a photo that not only showed my daughter smiling when we made homemade pretzels for her birthday, but one that also made me smile because it brought back the memories of that day. I guess that was a win-win pick for me! After I submitted that dare I moved on to the stress activity quiz. It seriously took me longer to read the question and answers than it did to pick my answer. It was that easy! Plus since I got the answer correct I got a bonus five entries. Yea me!! Then I moved on to the final challenge which was a real wake me up because I couldn't honestly fill it out. It asks you to log your exercise by listing when you did it, for how long, where you did it, and what sort of exercise it was. It really made me look at myself and how I'd let my days of "busyness" get in the way of sticking to my previous exercise routine I had started. So with this post I am now daring myself to get back on the bike so to speak and start exercising daily again. I want to be able to honestly fill out the fitness challenge and feel good about doing it. Boy am I glad I took the time to check this out for myself.

So now it's my turn to ask you will you take the dare to live a healthier happier life? Still sitting there wondering if it's worth those extra 5 minutes to enter? Need an even bigger incentive to check it out? If you take one of the June challenges and use my promo code below you will also be entered to win an exclusive prize right here on Mom in Training.

Win it:  One lucky reader will win a $50 or VISA gift card. This giveaway will end July 1st at 12:00 AM EST. The winner will have 48 hours to respond to my email. If no response, a new winner will be chosen. Open to residents of the US.

Entry Method:  Visit and choose one of the Dares for June. When you get to the form to fill out your information simply add the promo code MOMINTRAINING in the appropriate box. You may do more than one Dare to enter the weekly and monthly contests hosted by the website, but only one Dare will count towards entry into my individual contest. After you're done please come back and leave me a comment below about what you thought of the challenge.

Disclosure:  Thanks to PR Firm/sponsor I was provided with this product(s) for the purpose of my personal review. This blog post is not a paid post and the honest opinions stated are my own. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, entry via Facebook like is completely optional. Please allow 4-6 weeks for prize delivery from the sponsor.
This blog contains affiliate links and sponsored posts. All thoughts and opinions are my own however and are in no way influenced by the sponsorships. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.