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Dark Chocolate Multigrain Cheerios Review #Cheerios #PlatefullCoOp #spon
With a touch of rich dark chocolate taste in every bite, new Dark Chocolate Multigrain Cheerios® cereal offers a perfect balance of multigrain goodness and a delicious touch of chocolate taste in every bite.
When this box arrived on my door step I was kind of excited. I mean really who doesn't get excited over anything covered in chocolate? To me it screamed out snack time delight. Of course my kids had a whole other idea. I was lucky to even get the one handful of the cereal I did. My kids literally went through this box of cereal in two days. I always buy cereal that I think my kids will like, but is also healthy for them too. I try to steer clear of the sugar coated cereals. I want to send them off to school feeling good and I want it to last longer than the time it takes a sugar rush to wear off. Needless to say I was only a little surprised at how well they liked the new Cheerios cereal. I knew they would be excited to try it since they saw the word chocolate on the box. But I also knew they weren't really big fans of plain Cheerios so I wasn't sure if they'd even try it since it contained those also. I am glad they did though because this is going to be a new staple in our house. It not only tasted great, but it's also good for them (and me) both for breakfast and a snack.
To keep up on all the lastest check out the Cheerios website and Facebook page: | Like Cheerios on Facebook
Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op.
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