Stacy Talks & Reviews: Celebrate the Holidays with Pillsbury® Cinnamon Rolls!

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Celebrate the Holidays with Pillsbury® Cinnamon Rolls!

Throughout the school year I like to always have simple and quick breakfast options available for my kids. One of those is using Pillsbury® Cinnamon Rolls and making them into ready to warm and eat portions. They are great for busy mornings when you wake up late, or are just running behind.  Or maybe with a little ice cream for desert too!

Here's a really cute recipe I'm planning to try next week for my kids for Christmas morning. Cinnamon Roll Christmas Tree It's from the Pillsbury® Holiday Recipe Collection. We always have warm cinnamon rolls for Christmas breakfast and this cute idea will be lots of fun and a nice surprise for the kids.

Disclosure: I was provided with a coupon to facilitate my review. No other form of compensation was received and all thoughts and opinions are my own.
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