Boston-based Lunchbox Buddies
has already invaded
lunchboxes on the East Coast, and now the wacky lunchbox notes are
making their Indianapolis
debut! Each packet of 'buddies' features 20 original characters, from
Orbit the Space Cadet to Gilbert the Goofball, and a silly accompanying
message. Lunchbox Buddies are a quick and easy way for parents to stay
connected with their children throughout the day-- even when they can't be by their side 24/7.
designer and father Jim Adorney, the creator of Lunchbox Buddies, will
be visiting Mass Ave Toys this Friday, Nov 8, from 4:30-6 p.m. and
drawing personalized Lunchbox Buddies for visitors to take home. This
event is free to attend, and the product will be for sale as well.
If we didn't already have plans on Friday I would love to attend and get a personalized drawing for my kids. I think these are really cute and kids would love to find them in their lunchboxes. I know anytime I send a packed lunch to school with them I'm always trying to find a creative way to send a note with them.
You can learn more about Lunchbox Buddies at