What? Presented by Empire BlueCross BlueShield, the overnight walk through New York City will begin with a participant opening ceremony celebration at Randall’s Island. Walkers will then depart weaving through Manhattan past the city’s most iconic landmarks, lit up brightly at night.
There are two courses to ensure that everyone can participate no matter their fitness levels or abilities.: Half Moon (13.1 miles) and Full Moon (26.3 miles)
Why? Most of the fundraising from the MoonWalk NYC will be granted to Memorial Sloan-Ketting Cancer Center to help support the Breast Examination Center in Harlem, one of the first free screening facilities for breast cancer in the country where 80% of patients are uninsured but guaranteed support and guidance.
You can sign up to participate in either walk (half moon 13.1 miles, full moon 26.2 miles) by following this link.
Disclosure: I participated in this campaign for One2One Network. By posting, I am eligible for incentives. All opinions stated are my own.