Do you and your kids constantly argue over their lack of cleaning skills when it comes to their bedrooms? Well, then you're not alone. I know I personally struggle all the time with trying to get my kids to keep their rooms picked up. I don't expect them to be spotless, just safe for an average person to walk through without fear of tripping or stubbed toes. Here are 10 ways to help you with your struggles that have seemed to work (or at least help) in my house.
1. Never yell at them to "Clean your room!". I've found that yelling only makes them not want to do it even more. Instead ask in a nicer calm manner, they are more apt to respond better to that.
2. Don't let it get so far out of hand that it would take you hours yourself to even clean up. Make it a rule that before bedtime each day they need to pick up and put away anything they got out that day.
3. Make cleaning up less of a chore and more fun for them. I know with my 5-year old daughter if I get in there with her on days she's really played a lot she is more eager to help clean it up when we "race" to see who can do a certain task faster.
4. Give them the necessary tools they need to keep their rooms clean. My son has long tubs under his bed for all of his cars and smaller toys while my daughter has a shelving unit with the fabric drawers for sorting her stuff. Find what works best in their room and use it to your advantage.
5. Give them suggestions while they are playing with their toys to help elevate such a mess at the end. Maybe suggest when you are done playing "Barbies" put them all back before getting out the "books".
6. Don't give them more than they need. This one falls on us as parents we too often buy things because they look "cute" or "cool" and our kids don't really need them, but keep the item to make us happy.
7. Donate unused toys. Christmas is just around the corner why not ask your child if they'd like to donate items they never even played with to a needy organization to free up that wasted space. I know my kids have gotten things from extended family and it wasn't really age appropriate so they never even took them out of the box.
8. Have a garage sale, or give to one. We recently had a sale at our home church and I gave each of my kids a box and told them anything they didn't want to place in the box for the sale. I made it very clear it was completely up to them what they gave away and that no ones feelings would be hurt if they got rid of something we had personally given them. This was a huge success, my daughter actually filled a second box all on her own!
9. Make specific areas or containers for different types of toys. I created a corner in my daughter's room just for her Zhu Zhu pets and that is exactly where she plays with them. Makes it easier to clean up afterwords when they are all right there together already.
10. And finally get in there yourself at least once a quarter and do a deep cleaning. I like to dump each and every drawer, tub, etc onto their beds and have them go through each and every item and either keep it or get rid of it if they no longer play with the toy. This has proved another very useful tool. Sometimes they find things they thought were lost and it's a brand new treasure they play with again everyday. And sometimes they were like oh, I don't want that I thought that was gone already.
Not enough ideas? Well, Hot Wheels® has an awesome new car set that might just help you a little more!
Hot Wheels® has introduced the all-new Wall Tracks™ sets to
help moms everywhere clean up toy clutter! Hot Wheels® has been
listening to moms and found that we couldn't stand the mess from our
kids’ toys.
Kids can now take their Hot Wheels® races where they've never gone before - off the floor and onto the walls! Now they can perform stunts, speed, turns, and tricks, powered by gravity and set up any way you can imagine it - and it’s off the floor! Kids can mix, match, and combine with other Wall Tracks™ sets to create all-new Hot Wheels® track layouts. And the best part? No more clutter for us moms!
Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Hot Wheels® blogging program, for a gift card worth $40. For more information on how you can participate, click here.