Magically gets rid of knots. Not to mention complaining.
The Knot Genie™ Detangling Brush was created for every mom that has endured the foot stomping and screaming matches that come with brushing their child's hair. With the Knot Genie, even the curliest, most knotted up hair practically slips through the unique bristle configuration – gently and painlessly. Try the Knot Genie on your kids (or on yourself) – you'll be amazed by the ease of brushing, as well as how it virtually stops breakage and split ends. You've wished for hair brushing standoffs to end. Wish granted.
Now you see them.....
now you don't!
It's truly amazing. My daughter gets up every morning now and brushes her own hair! No fighting, no arguing, no complaining. Like many moms with little girls I have struggled many times trying to get my daughter to brush her own hair, or even let me brush it for that matter. And to no avail every time she would give up saying it's too hard she can't do it. Which of course resulted in me brushing her hair as she yelled to stop pulling it. Not anymore! With the Knot Genie she actually looks forward to brushing every morning. Heck she even brushes later in the day again. The first day we opened the package to test it out she went as far as to brush her hair, her brother's hair, and my hair. She loved it that much. This is one hair brush I will replacing if it ever gets broken or lost.