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My Lip Stuff
I think my lips have died and gone to lip heaven! Well, maybe not, but that is sure what it feels like right now with My Lip Stuff Gingersnaps & Jam lip balm on them! Not only does this stuff smell wonderful right when you open the tube, but is stays wonderful when you put it on. I can almost taste gingersnaps with jam on them! The overall feel of the lip balm glides on nice and smooth and actually feels like it is protecting my lips. I can tell that it is there long after I've applied it, which is just how I like my lip balms.
My Lip Stuff is a homemade, natural lip balm made from only the finest butters, oils, and beeswax. There are over 400 Flavors to choose from, including special limited edition holiday flavors. I guess one could say you might never use the same lip balm twice! You can even customize your lip balm wrap if you like for a party or just for fun. I'm thinking of how cool this would be for my daughter's birthday.
My Lip Stuff's ultimate mission is to end the suffering of people with chapped lips all across the land. In the process, we strive to end animal testing and save the environment with chemical-free natural products!
Is this a tall order? Absolutely. But we are dedicated- and are willing to start small. If we all do our part our combined efforts will make a big impact on the future of the planet, & just maybe we'll find a cure for something-- even if it is just chapped lips!
My Lip Stuff's products are NEVER tested on animals; contain natural (from the earth) ingredients that are skin loving. Our products do NOT contain any harsh ingredients- and NEVER contain petroleum or mineral oil! We also do what we can by using recycled (and recyclable) materials whenever possible, and even using "green power" (power from renewable resources such as wind, water, or landfill gases-instead of oil). We also Drive a Hybrid, and use only fluorescent lighting (no incandescent bulbs here!).
In the end, We strive to create a natural product made from only the highest quality ingredients, with the least amount of impact on the environment and its inhabitants, for the lowest possible price.
Buy it: You can find their products online at My Lip Stuff Store.
Disclosure: Thanks to PR Firm/sponsor I was provided with this product(s) for the purpose of my personal review. This blog post is not a paid post and the honest opinions stated are my own.
This blog contains affiliate links and sponsored posts. All thoughts and opinions are my own however and are in no way influenced by the sponsorships. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.