Stacy Talks & Reviews: Color Me Happy with Crayola!

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Color Me Happy with Crayola!

The kids are on their way back to school, unless yours are like mine they are already there. It's truly hard to believe sometimes that summer break is already over for them. Of course in the process in getting ready for school to start we had to load up on lots of school supplies. Including lots of colorful Crayola products of course! I don't know what it is about Crayola, but it's always made me feel happy. Maybe it's the bright colors, or maybe it's that I know it's a brand we can always trust. We made that dreaded mistake many parents do of buying non-Crayola products before and boy were we disappointed. Never again! I won't make that mistake again.

Crayons from Crayola are by far the best I've ever used. And they keep coming out with new colors and styles too. I'm loving the washable crayons for little ones. They have the same bright colors, but they are so much easier to clean up marks from them. The nice part of back to school is crayons are on hot sales. Make sure you stock up beyond what you need for school supplies. You never know when someone might break their crayons, or have a friend in need. I know one time my daughter asked for an extra box of crayons because a friend in class kept borrowing hers because she didn't have her own box. I thought it was super sweet of her to want to help her friend out so I pulled a box out from my stash and sent them to school for her friend. Something that really made that little girl feel good and us too.

What is your favorite Crayola product?

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Disclosure: I received the products featured in this post for free in exchange for my honest and unbiased thoughts. All thoughts and opinions state are my own and are in no way influenced by my partnership with mentioned brands.
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